The Adventures of Tim & Geneva

Since Tuesday of this past week (127 hours),  Geneva has been reacquainting herself with the nuances of living in Asia. Negotiating the beginnings of an intense and demanding year abroad, engrossed in academics and multiculturalism. Her daily life is completely different than a week ago. At the very moment of this blog post, Gevena is sitting in her first session of the Masters in Public Health program at Thammasat University with a diverse cohort of intellectuals representing Myanmar, Nepal,  Zimbabwe, Ghana, Sudan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Germany. Whoa!! Awesome. My mind can barely compute what an incredible experience this will be!

It was a year ago that we fell in love, hard and fast and just perfect. The conversations, the laughing, the deep connection…. seriously, toe pinch me,  I must be dreaming. Engagement seemed obvious early on, and we waited for that perfect moment, complete with dolphins swimming in bio-luminescence, seriously. All the while we knew that this time apart for the studies in Thailand was coming, with total agreement that it would be an unparallelled opportunity that could not be missed. Now that the journey has begun, we’ll be finding our rhythm and routines that will help navigate the adventures ahead.

This website will serve as a travelogue of our lives this year, documenting the good times, the tough times and the pay-off of great adventure!